The wisdom of the ages is within you and around you. 

Explore life’s important questions & light your path through the Tarot & astrology

These tools can help clarify and illuminate your mind and spirit as you travel this path of life

Hi, I’m Sarah!

Sarah Lamb is an experienced Tarot Reader, Astrologer, and Educator who believes that both tarot and astrology can be used as tools for transformation, revealing our highest potential.

She is passionate about making these tools and the knowledge they offer accessible to everyone.

During her readings, Sarah adopts a playful, conversational, and informative approach to guide her clients toward gaining insight and clarity.

With over a decade of experience studying these modalities under the tutelage of some of the top experts in these fields, Sarah aims to offer the best possible guidance to her clients.

About Twin Moon Readings

Not enough people remember how to play.

Yep, I said what I said.

And that goes double for
tarot readers and astrologers (myself included)

Don’t get me wrong, our work is sacred. But life is funny and absurd. And sometimes, that’s how the readings go, too.

Here’s the thing. In another life, I work with children all day. And they

know. how. to. play.

I believe that knowledge and learning should be both accessible and playful. And whenever possible, fun.

My first tarot reading was great. It was illuminating. But I got the sense that tarot wasn’t “for me.” Like I wasn’t allowed to learn about it. That was the opposite of playful or fun.


I became interested in astrology when I was 10. I saw it as a way to see my reflection—as a way of knowing. Even if I didn’t have all the words or terminology to describe that.

And it was a way of learning to understand other people better, too.


I started reading tarot about 10 years ago. My partner gave me a copy of the Wild Unknown Tarot and a copy of the Taschen Book of Symbols. This was the pre-guidebook era for that deck.

So I did my best to study the cards and the symbols I saw. And eventually, I found Biddy Tarot and all the online resources many of us know today. Over time, I honed my intuition for how the cards communicate with me. That said, every person and every deck is unique.

Tarot became a tool for my growth, reflecting back to me my feelings and guiding me toward clarity.

In my work with clients, I aim to inspire more questions in order to get to the root of what’s coming up.

To find a way to answer “the question behind the question.”

Because when we do this kind of work, we are able to use the tarot more intuitively because we’ve begun the hard work of clearing out old thoughts, patterns and ideas—even ways of being.

Sometimes this looks like pairing a deeper look into the astrology of a person and a situation to understand more of what has informed or influenced our given circumstances.

My Services

Twin Moon Readings

The Twin Moon Tarot Reading

1-Hour reading with Sarah from Twin Moon

Optional recording or transcript of the session delivered via email

Your reading will start with a short chat and a 3-card spread. We may draw more cards as we are guided during the reading.

The Twin Moon Astrology Reading

1-Hour reading with Sarah from Twin Moon

Optional recording or transcript of the session delivered via email

Your reading will start with a short chat and a dive into the basics of your birth chart. We’ll review your sun, moon and rising sign before delving deeper!

Twin Moon Readings are ideal for…

Gaining clarity about a situation or circumstance you’re facing…

Accessing your deepest intentions to set goals and make decisions

Tuning in to higher wisdom to address and strategize ways to overcome blocks

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